Compatible with echo

Reduce code duplication with kcd and use echo framework

KCD is compatible with echo but you need to add

KCD With the power of echo


go get

Use kcdecho.Setup() to register path extractor for echo. Use kcdecho.Handler instead of kcd.Handler this handler will convert the Handler returned by kcd into an echo handler.


package main

import (

func main() {
    r := echo.New()

    kcdecho.Setup() // Do not forget this part otherwise you will not be able to recover the path parameters

    r.GET("/:name", kcdecho.Handler(YourHttpHandler, http.StatusOK))
    //                          ^ Here the magic happen this is the only thing you need
    //                            to do. Adding kcdecho.Handler(your handler)

    _ = http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)

// CreateCustomerInput is an example of input for an http request.
type CreateCustomerInput struct {
    Name   string   `path:"name"`
    Emails []string `query:"emails" exploder:","`

// CustomerOutput is the output type of your handler it contain the input for simplicity.
type CustomerOutput struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`

// YourHttpHandler is your http handler but in a shiny version.
// You can add *http.ResponseWriter or http.Request in params if you want.
func YourHttpHandler(in *CreateCustomerInput) (CustomerOutput, error) {
    // do some stuff here

    fmt.Printf("%+v", in)

    return CustomerOutput{}, errors.NewWithKind(errors.KindInternal, "c'est fini !")

Last updated