Nested fields and path system

KCD works well with nested types and the path system solves almost all use cases.

package main

import (



func main() {
   r := chi.NewRouter()
   r.Post("/", kcd.Handler(YourHttpHandler, http.StatusOK))
   _ = http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)

type NestedStruct struct {
   Name string `query:"name"`

type CustomInput struct {
   Nested NestedStruct `query:"nested"` // ?
   NestedStruct // ?name=kcd

   Anonymous struct{
      Key string `query:"key"` // ?key=kcd

   AnonymousValue struct{
      Value string `query:"key"` // ?anonymous.key=kcd
      NestedStruct // ?
   } `query:"anonymous"`

func YourHttpHandler(in *CustomInput) (*CustomInput, error) {
   fmt.Printf("%+v", in)

   return in, nil

// Test it : curl -XPOST 'localhost:3000?'

The path system only adds the parent to the path if the same corresponding tag is present.

The path system works only with query, ctx, path, and header tags. Since JSON decoding is handled by the default unmarshaler.

Last updated